The address is rap-up.com. This blog focussed on discussing music with R&B and hip-hop. Not merely about the music itself but also the musician lifestyle. It is published that rap-up is the first nationwide hip-hop and R&B magazine for the young generation (Gen Y). Magazine is the concept on how it delivered musics to the audiences.
It was founded in 2001, the full-color, glossy publication has featured some of music’s biggest stars including Beyonce, T.I. , Lil Wayne, Chris Brown, Rihana, 50 Cent, Mary J. Blige, Ciara, Ludacris, Pharrel, and Young Jeezy. Besides the biggest stars that engaged, the design-oriented title is available at Barnes & Nobles, Borders, Target, Safeway, Book-A-Million, Rite Aid, Hasting, Hudson News, and other newstands/bookstores. From all of that related aspect I could say that It is absolutely well developed blog.
Furthermore, as a prominent blog, it has appeared on CNN, ABC News, BET, VH1, E!, The CW EXTRA, and mtvU. The publication has been featured in newspapers and magazines such as The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, New York Daily News, New York Post, USA Today, People, GRAMMY Magazine, Enterpreneur, Fast Company, The Daily News of Los Angeles, and more.
It also has experienced for nomination and award. In 2006, it was nominated for ‘Best New Consumer Publication’ at the prestigious 55th Annual Maggie Awards, and in 2007 it received a nomination for ‘Best Hip-Hop Magazine Site’ at ‘VH1 Hip-Hop Honors’.
Well, it has been about ten years from the first time it was founded, thus its an evidence of it successfulness to grow in the middle of the blogs competition’s. Lets take a look further inside this blog. The blog divided into nine categories namely ‘Music’, ‘Photos’, ‘Blogs’, ‘Rap-up TV’, ‘Magazine’, ‘Subscribe’, ‘Advertise’, ‘About Us’, and ‘Contact Us’.
Music category provide audiences with new music coming to the market. It release the new single from particular musician, the eminence of this menu were it was not only described by picture but also provided in audio visuals, so that audience would know better about the new music offered.

Blogs category would provide visitors with the latest news from ‘Darkchild Vlog’ and ‘Nina Sky Cam’. Rap-Up TV would provide visitors with related information on artist daily jobs which provided in audio visual concept.
At ‘magazine’, rap-up.com provide the audiences a way to get subscribed or purchased the rap-up magazine that available. Rap-up is available in over twenty countries. In the US and Canada, you could pick up your copy at Barnesandnoble, Borders, Safeway, Rite Aid, Target, Vons, Books-A-Million, Hudson News, Bookstar, Hastings, 7-Eleven, and other newsstands/bookstores. Subscribe or purchase single copies could also be made by clicking the buttons provided in the blog. Payment would be made through Paypal with all major credit cards are accepted. For U.S. costumers, they could directly purchase links that provided, but for international costumers, they should order through email.
As far as I’am notice rap-up.com has great design on its page. The background image change for every categories clicked by visitors. It would give a entertain nuanse for every information provided. It has good color combination for the page itself which has strong appeal as informative and entertaining blog.
With the attractive features, popularities, well-maintain design and great link building, the blog surely gets its quality traffic. Rap-up.com has managed it monetizing matters through advertisements. For those who have interested in advertising online at rap-up.com or in the magazine, it provide media kits for advertiser. This media kits would be available upon request through email.
The banner advertisement used in this blog available in some sizes. There are leaderboard size which located in the upper mainpage, the medium rectangle size which located under ‘search box’, buttons which located in the middle sidebar, and half-page banners which located at lower middle sidebar. The blog has its potential to get monetized and well managed it engagement with the advertiser.
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